Lesson plan and teacher’s notes
The aim of the 40-minute lesson is to introduce the imperative form (giving orders… “Wash your hands/brush your hair/tidy up.” Getting the kids to repeat and issue and respond to similar orders is the aim.
Song: Hello Song
Song: One Little Finger or any that use imperatives
Model the vocab by acting out the orders “Wash your hair” etc.
Play “Please” (like Simon says but they are only supposed to do the order etc when you say “PLEASE wash your hands.”
Do worksheet with kids tracing the words and colouring in.
Song: Head Shoulders Knees and Toes
Game (bingo/3-hint quiz/missing)
Story book: Pond Goose
Song: Bye Bye
This lesson is adapted with permission from the textbook Tower Talk Kinder 2 available here.