Thanks again for dropping by the Gaijin Pot Expo earlier this month if you could make it, and as I mentioned in the last Podcast roundup of the event, I promised I’d get more information about getting visas to live and work in Japan if you don’t have the good fortune to have fallen in love with a cute, single person who you’d happily sign on the dotted line with (and vice versa), or if your only other option is working for one of the soul-crushing work-visa-granting-eikaiwa-chains.
There is another way. It’s potentially more troublesome, a little more expensive1 but if you are eager to run your life as a self-employed person, it’s possible.
That is to get a visa as a business owner.
My understanding is you need to meet three main stipulations:
Have a business entity in Japan with signage.
A business plan.
Business funding of at least ¥5 million.
If that all sounds insurmountable, note that the ¥5 million is business capital — money you will spend on your business — you just need to have it up front.
The rest is just detail.
Bear in mind, gentle reader, I’m no lawyer, my expertise is in running my own after-school eikaiwa with my (Japanese passport-holding) wife. But this is what I gathered from a chat I had with a knowledgeable chap, Nick, at Japan Remotely, who specialises in helping people relocate to Japan.
If you have any questions ask him. And tell him I sent you,
Oh yeah,
Merry Christmas
P.S. Have you read my The Tower English Way: How to start and run your own little English School? You’ll need that to make a go of it in Japan as a self-employed teacher. A review and some stars on Amazon would be most appreciated if you get something from it. Now, back to the eggnog.
Debatable. How expensive is an international marriage anyways?
It’s hard to say how expensive; I’m still paying…